About Our Telecommunication Services

"You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

Zig Ziglar

The choices today for Telcom services are vast and complex. Yesterday’s reality of using one of the big three has been replaced by a multitude of players, converging technologies, and capital cost being replaced by the OpEx model. Service offerings between providers cross over, and determining the provider's strengths and weaknesses is not possible for most companies. The options can be overwhelming.

For companies trying to navigate the maze of options, where do you start? Start with TeleLink.

TeleLink Role

Just as Zig Ziglar so well said, our goal is to help you achieve yours! This is how we gauge our success. IT issues are some of the most complex problems to solve. No single provider is right for every situation, and no two situations are alike. Providers who were good last year are now struggling and being replaced by another. Obtaining the required relevant information to make the best decisions for your company's needs is daunting. With so many options available, who do you start with, or even worse - how do you find them? We want to be your Easy Button. Our role is to identify what the business needs are and navigate the maze of options to present the right ones.

IT issues should be an opportunity - not a barrier but an opportunity to transform and impact the business in a positive fashion.

Whether you are looking for a complete global telecom transformation or need a simple Internet circuit, TeleLink is there to support the decision process with the insights you need on each provider's strengths and weaknesses so you can partner with a strong provider for your business.

Assisting in purchasing decisions and the support does not stop there. We support you with post-sales, installation, and post-sales support for the life of the engagement. How many carrier reps are with the company for the life of the service?

Started in 1998 with the goal of providing the best Bill Auditing and Cost Reduction services. Since that time, our founder, Mark Kothe, has saved companies millions on billings. Auditing services still have significant returns. However, over time, more and more auditing clients requested help navigating future technology and provider decisions that reduced cost AND met their IT goals. Since then, our Telecom sales business has grown to become the majority of our business. Whether you are trying to reduce costs or face IT challenges - begin with TeleLink!

Choose TeleLink Consulting for Your Business and Call 1-888-456-5465

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